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At PSE we work on a wide range of projects at local, national and international levels. Funders for these projects include the European Union, the EU's Erasmus+ fund, the National Lottery Big Lottery Fund and Quartet Community Foundation.



Currently Running


BBO works with economically inactive people to identify and remove barriers between them and the labour market. Read more…

Transferring Innovative Practices

The TIP partnership will develop processes for networking using creative practices in second chance education and social inclusion work. Read more...


E-Driver is a training programme that uses e-learning and new technologies to address risky driving behaviours. Read more…


The aim of this report is to gather information on the type of activities and the level of protection of people in a situation of social exclusion and disability in childhood Read more…

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Lycée-Collège Jean-Monnet

Phoenix runs a yearly work experience placement in conjunction with Lycée-Collège
Jean-Monnet, France. We arrange tailored work experience placements with full accomodation for a selection of students.

Equality and Diversity Research
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We take private commissions for conducting quality research, giving a voice to and advocating for marginalised communities. With a flexible and tailored approach to work, we have work for a range of organisations, including the University of the West of England. 

Past Work

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Sweeter Youth Mobility

Erasmus+ Student’s Work ExperiencE for Training and ExpeRience (SWEETER) project is for learners from another country to see how an enterprise elsewhere is working. To see working conditions and understand the international labour market helps students widen their vocational skills.

It is part of the European funded Erasmus+ mobility project. In conjunction with Better Foods, Phoenix hosted three students from Second Chance School Norrköping, Sweden who wished to strengthen their European connections. 


EPODS promotes European integration of teachers Continuous Professional Development in Second Chance Education.


The main outputs were a series of training courses and an online learning platform for creating courses, which can be found at: and a skills portfolio for tracking professional development, which can be found at:


The project also brought together an online community of second chance educators, promoting professional development through international co-operation.

Leonardo Da Vinci Programme

Phoenix Social Enterprise was both a host and a sending organisation for the Leonardo Programme, partnering with more than 200 firms in the UK and mainland Europe.


Working with young people who were Not in Employment, Education or Training, PSE sourced vocational placements that matched the qualifications and interests of participants.


Participants also had the opportunity to attend business seminars and take part in cultural activities, and received a certificate at the end. On completion of the programme, 3 quarters of participants move into employment, education or training.

Handling Multiculturality In Care

The Handling Multiculturality in Care project developed a series of training programmes, tools and materials for frontline care workers, nurses, care managers and other care professionals to enable them to work more effectively with people in their care from diverse backgrounds. 


The Handling Multiculturality in Care (HMC) project provided the necessary training to enable health care professionals to deliver culturally specific services customised to fit patient's cultural values, beliefs, traditions, practices, and lifestyle.  

DISCO Programme

The Digital Second Chance Opportunities (DISCO) project is an online knowledge and quality centre where digital assessment tools, good practices and training in second chance education can be shared. It has been made available to practitioners, policy makers and all people involved in second chance education.


In this online community teachers and trainers can share, discuss, develop and value their practices and ideas. The project aims to improve the quality of adult education, reducing early school leaving and mainstreaming youngsters and citizens into regular education and employment. 

CWP Programme

The CWP programme was part of the Government’s Help to Work initiative. This programme was for participants who had been unemployed and claiming Jobseekers Allowance for a continuous period of up to 3 years.

Placements provided mandatory work experience for individuals furthest from the labour market, for up to 6 months, as well as time for supported job searching. 30% of individuals referred to Phoenix Social Enterprise were moved into full-time employment.

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